Reacher Season 2 Soundtrack List

Reacher Season 2 Soundtrack

1. Swan Is Dead (1:43)
2. Boots in Concrete (4:25)
3. The Kid Knows Something (1:33)
4. Three Guesses (2:10)
5. Burning Passports (1:01)
6. Lucky Lounge (1:13)
7. Trashed Office (2:06)
8. Dead Snow Man (1:18)
9. Biker Fight (1:39)
10. Marlo’s Place (1:53)
11. Backing in to New Age (1:47)
12. Ten Days Earlier (2:22)
13. Post Office Box Search (1:32)
14. Eighteen Wheeler Shootout (2:31)
15. Funeral (6:40)
16. Gorilla Cage (2:33)
17. Reacher Under Fire (2:15)
18. Train Thugs Killed (2:27)
19. Sacrifice (1:55)
20. Russo’s End (1:34)
21. Last Bit of Goodwill (1:46)
22. Don’t Need a Search Warrant (2:29)
23. Battle With Buyers (3:37)
24. Bone Saw Attack (1:48)
25. Reacher Inspires (1:37)
26. Swan’s Parts (3:00)
27. Helicopter Hang (5:02)
28. One Last Picture (1:50)

Adding now…

Season 1 soundtrack already released last year.

Youtube playlist is here:

About Reacher:

Reacher follows Jack Reacher, a veteran military police investigator who has just recently entered civilian life. Reacher is a drifter, carrying no phone and the barest of essentials as he travels the country and explores the nation he once served. When Reacher arrives in the small town of Margrave, Georgia, he finds a community grappling with its first homicide in 20 years. The cops immediately arrest him and eyewitnesses claim to place Reacher at the scene of the crime. While he works to prove his innocence, a deep-seated conspiracy begins to emerge, one that will require Reacher’s keen mind and hard-hitting fists to deal with. One thing above all is for sure: They picked the wrong guy to take the fall.

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